Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Lens End

Picnic bench at the swimming pond

 (Photo: Ed Millar)

Landscape. From the moment my eyes open in the morning to the moment they’re closed, I’m embedded in the Keels landscape. Well, I suppose even when I’m sleeping I’m technically still in Keels, though my mind might be whisked off to some other dreamscape. Behind each rocky cliff-face on the daily walk to class, I pass through layer upon layer of the geological and cultural landscape of Keels.

This afternoon we captured the Keels landscape with the aid of professional photographer Brian Ricks, who provided us with invaluable advice on composition and tweaking a camera to get that perfect shot. John Ducey’s house, work-shed, the community fish store, Selby’s shop, and vista shots of the harbor were our primary targets. John Ducey, one of the last  inshore fishermen in the community, accompanied us for much of our trip, providing us with information both about the fishery and Keels. 

Old ladder behind John Ducey's work-shed
(Photo: Ed Millar)

What was I searching for when I looked      through the lens? My photography experience was limited to pictures taken for personal use, with little deliberation or concern for composition. With Brian Ricks’s guidance however, I found myself able to take half-decent photos with some focus and clarity. I still have a long ways to go, but I think my photography skills are improving (thanks to Brian!). 

If anything was to be taken away from today, it was the complexity of photography and photographic documentation. Depending on your focus, you were guaranteed to be faced with an entirely new set of concerns and anxieties. Whatever lens you choose to view Keels from, be it your unaccompanied eyes or the filters of your digital camera, you're bound to stumble into a story waiting to be told. 

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